Procrastination is the main reason
people fail to live richer lives. If you haven't been reaching
your goals, you may need to make a greater commitment. And the
only reliable measure of commitment is action. When you delay
getting started on a job or fail to complete a job you've already
started, always ask yourself why you're not working on it:
1. I can't do it and I don't
want to do it.
2. I can do it but I don't want to.
3. I want to do it but I can't.
4. I can do it and I want to.
If you're honest with yourself,
you can probably get started on the fourth type of projects
today. If you do, you will have taken the first step toward
defeating the monster of procrastination.
Research shows that you can develop
new habits in just two weeks if you are serious about changing.
Taking action and staying focused on your goals is what makes
private dreams and corporate missions come true. The tasks people
avoid are almost always the ones on which the success of their
projects depends. Make a list of your least favorite tasks.
Ask yourself how you approach them. Do you tackle them first
or leave them for last?
Think about people you know who
always get things done. What are their work habits? How do they
approach unappealing jobs? How do they stay focused? Try doing
the least enjoyable jobs first, or put a task you dislike between
your favorite ones. As Mark Twain said, "If you have to
swallow a frog, don't stare at it too long."
If you have trouble making commitments
because you think you won't be able to live up to them, you
may want to try the method that served Thomas Edison so well.
When Edison had an idea, he would go public by announcing his
invention at a press conference. Having told the world about
it, he went into his laboratory and invented it.
You may not want to try this
out at work any time soon, but I'm sure you can think of many
ways to apply the technique of "going public" in other
areas of your life. The point is: Thomas Edison, the greatest
and most productive inventor in the history of the United States,
understood how important it is to keep from drifting into inactivity.
His technique for defeating procrastination was an extraordinary
one, and he used it to achieve extraordinary results.
Put your favorite inspirational
sayings where you can see them. Let people know when you don't
want to be disturbed. Think about the things in your environment
that help you get into the flow of your work. What things distract
you or make you want to postpone a job? How can you design or
rearrange your environment to eliminate causes of procrastination?
Thomas Edison said, "If
we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally
astound ourselves." Do something today that you've been
putting off and start astounding yourself.