Goals will always be an inevitable powerful way to succeed in life. I mean, every success coach will tell you that. But what prevents you from writing down your goals? Other people or yourself? Most of the time, the voice that keep saying that you can't or that you don't deserve it is your own voice. If it was only other people, you could remove yourself from these people. It would be pretty easy. The reality is that we talk to ourselves and most of this self-talk is negative. I've found that for 90% of the cases, the following statement will be true: People don't write down their goals and dreams because either they think they don't deserve it or they think it's not possible for them or they think they are not capable of reaching that goal or dream. My friends, it all comes down to one thing: do you believe in yourself? On a scale from 1 to ten, how much would you rate your level of self-esteem? The level of your self-esteem will have an impact on the number of goals you write down, the number of goals you set and the number of goals you achieve. 1. I don't deserve
it anyway! 2. I am not capable! 3. It's not possible! You need to literally transform these limiting beliefs and sure you can, because as they have been learned (through experiences,ideas…), they can be unlearned, restructured and changed. There are three basic elements to reach your outcome: you, the plan or path, and the goal itself. The belief you will develop for each element will form a winning belief system that will empower you in achieving anything you really want out of life. These winning beliefs will give you more self-esteem and you will soon become unstoppable. When we talk about the law of attraction, it all comes down to beliefs. When we talk about dreams, goals, independence, freedom, it all comes down to beliefs. If you believe it is easy for you to realize your dreams, if you believe that you attract everything in your life for your best and highest good, if you believe that you have an unlimited potential, I mean, deep down, if you truly believe in yourself, there is nothing you can't do and you would set up goal after goal, achieving each one of them, or not, for your best and highest good. Emmanuel Segui reveals how to change your limiting thinking and how to increase the level of your self-esteem to set yourself free. Check out http://www.20daypersuasion.com/vision.html and see for yourself how you can build a greater self-esteem to set up any goal and reaching any goal, for your best and highest good.