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How To Be An Expert Persuader Audio and e-Book

5 Fantastic Bonuses (including Assertiveness Maker Audio, How To Be A Master Communicator, Fire Up Your Motivation Audio and Ebook, Revolutionary Positive Thinking, and Art and Science of Personal Magnetism)

Lifetime Consultation

Click Here to Order How To Be An Expert Persuader for only $27

Wait, Want to Save Even More? Take Advantage of Our Special Offer: Good for Today,

Upgrade to the Grand Master Edition, and You Also Get 8 Powerful Modules Designed to Transform You into a Grand Master Persuasion Expert. Save an Extra 92.18%

Awesome news! You're about to become a world-class persuasion expert in just a few short days. And since you're claiming "How To Be An Expert Persuader" today, , you have a special opportunity to upgrade to the Grand Master Edition.

The Grand Master Edition includes everything listed above, AND also includes 8 powerful modules that will make you a Grand Master Persuasion Expert.

Although "How To Be An Expert Persuader" is comprehensive in itself, the Grand Master Edition will reveal the in-depth confidential secrets and nitty gritty details that will take you to a whole new level of persuasion mastery!

The 8 additional modules inside the Grand Master Edition include:

Module #1

Persuasive Copywriting Secrets Audio and eBook

Professional copywriting is one of the most fulfilling and highest-earning professions in the world. By writing simple sales messages, you can easily earn around $50,000 to $350,000 (or more) in a year! (Results not typical)

The good news is that anyone can write compelling copy with the proper guidance, and "Persuasive Copywriting Secrets" is just the guidemap you need to become a persuasive copywriter.

This module is the perfect complement to "How to be an Expert Persuader". With this extraordinary combo, you get to be a master of both the spoken and written word, as well as nonverbal communication. You're completely unstoppable!

Click Here to see all the exciting benefits you get from "Persuasive Copywriting Secrets." (But DON'T order there! Because you can get it in this page at a tiny fraction of the normal price, and with other persuasion-related programs included. --- Keep reading for more details.)


Module #2

How to Conquer Difficult People

Difficult people do not care if others will get offended or hurt by their actions. They can make life a living hell for anyone that crosses their paths, although sometimes they do not intend to.

Ignoring these situations will only make matters worse. Worrying about them will only give you more headaches and stress. Attacking difficult people will only worsen your already damaged relationships with them. Escaping from them will only leave you friendless and empty.

This module is the ultimate solution to finally stop difficult people from ruining your life by dominating, winning and changing their hearts.


Module #3

How To Be A Champion Negotiator

You might not be aware of it, but you negotiate almost every time you strike a conversation with another.

If you know how to negotiate with different people in order to straighten out differences and get what you want, without negatively affecting anyone in the process, then you possess one of the most important traits to becoming an achiever...

...whether in business, career, social or personal life.

In this module, you'll discover highly effective win-win negotiation strategies to make anyone agree with your proposal, grant your request, and do whatever you want … willingly and eagerly!



Module #4

The Wonderful Power of Charisma
Enhancing Your Personal Charm

Charismatic people are distinguishable from others, highly regarded, and captivating in the eyes of most people.

What they actually exhibit is a power to inspire and motivate others through their personal charm and influence.

If you have charisma, you don't need to adjust to meet other people's expectation of you. Instead, you can just be yourself and be loved by them just the same.

With the help of this module, you can now fully enhance that hidden charisma in you and make other people notice you, follow you, respect you, and love you the way you want them to!"



Module #5

Assertiveness: The Art of Getting Your Way Nicely (Includes Audio Version)

If people around you have been manipulating and controlling you so often that you can't stand the abuses any longer, it's time for you to take some action!

There's no need to suffer endlessly in the prison cell of other people's decisions and commands. You have your own free will to do whatever you want, whenever you please.

In this module, you'll learn the secrets to easily get your way in relationships and at work, effectively influence others, and cleverly deny people... all while remaining to be an overall respected and well-liked person!


Module #6

Selling Your Way to Your First Million
(Includes Audio Version)

You encounter salespeople all the time. Some of them are so good that you end up buying from them, even if you initially don’t have any intention to.

Some are able to instantly gain your approval and trust, even if you’ve conditioned yourself not to shed out any money.

How do they accomplish such feat? Do you want to find out how to sell anything like crazy? Look no further!

With the help of this module, you can finally convert uninterested prospects to highly-responsive paying customers and cash-in your way to massive selling success!


Module #7

NLP for Beginners (Includes Audio Version)

Many persuasion techniques came from the science of NLP. But NLP has other tremendous benefits that could leave you in awe.

NLP can be used in several ways. In fact, it can be integrated in regular therapeutic sessions such as stress management and time management, among others.

And because NLP can work harmoniously with your present bodily processes and therapy, you can make use of it immediately!

In this module, you'll find out how to use NLP to:

  • Easily acquire the habits and mindset of your role models
  • Attain your ideal state of mind and emotion
  • Experience a dramatic change in your entire life!


Module #8

12 Winning Leadership Qualities

Contrary to popular belief that leaders are born, real leadership is actually about having or acquiring certain qualities that will make others follow you; not because they need to, but because they confidently believe in you.

And even though you may not be born with such qualities, it’s never a problem. Most of the time, they can be developed and further improved in order to bring out the best leader out of you.

With this module's help, you'll possess the 12 winning qualities of a highly persuasive and influential leader to effectively lead any team to success

These 8 modules have a total value of $256, but you get them all for only $256 $150 $20 (in addition to the price of "How to be an Expert Persuader") if you invest in the Grand Master Edition today, . That's an additional 92.18% Discount!

When you choose the Grand Master Edition, you get immediate access to everything listed below for a very low, one-time price of only $47!

How To Be An Expert Persuader Audio and eBook

5 Fantastic Bonuses (including Assertiveness Maker Audio, How To Be A Master Communicator, Fire Up Your Motivation Audio and Ebook, Revolutionary Positive Thinking, and Art and Science of Personal Magnetism)

Lifetime Consultation

8 Grand Master Modules (including Persuasive Copywriting Secrets, How To Conquer Difficult People, How To Be A Champion Negotiator, The Wonderful Art Of Charisma, Assertiveness: The Art Of Getting Your Way Nicely, Selling Your Way To Your First MIllion, NLP for Beginners, and 12 Winning Leadership Qualities)

Plus, you get the same 100% no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. You win either way, but only if you act now by choosing the Grand Master Edition below:

Click Here to Order the Grand Master Edition for only $47


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