How to be Your Own Psychiatrist
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…When you can "do therapy" on yourself?

Going to a therapist today can cost you anywhere from $40 (individual therapy) to $150 (family therapy), for an hour with a therapist. Indeed it is so costly that one wonders why on earth you'd go there in the first place.

Wait. Why exactly are you considering going to a therapist? Are you suffering from depression? Do you have issues you believe you can't handle yourself? Are you in so much stress that you can't think straight and even a vacation can't cure it? Are you in relationship woes that happen over and over in cycles?

Well, if you truly believe that you need someone else to process your issues, by all means, go ahead; see a therapist. I myself, though, am a big fan of self-help. But if you hear voices arguing with each other in your head, or just plain talking to you, I believe it is best that you call a local therapist right now. No kidding.

But if you're like any other person who can normally function well, but who just can't cope with life for the moment, let me tell you, there are ways to get out of your cesspit. Indeed, it may take so much education to become a psychotherapist, and truly, going through all those levels of schooling at least makes them worthy of what you pay them, however, you can use therapeutic techniques that they use on your own. Sure, it may need some practice, and the techniques may need some getting used to, but with constant use, and with observation and analysis, you can help yourself overcome your issues, live life to the fullest, and be the person you want yourself to be. Heck, you can even help others! Just get the right licenses and certifications. Legal messes just might add to your problems.


Ever since Psychology was consolidated as a discipline in the late 1890's, numerous techniques have been employed to promote wellness in people. When physicians had gone past slicing or marring people's brains in the name of "curing" them, numerous ways to treat people with emotional and mental problems have been developed. But you know what? If you know how to think, and if you know how to communicate, then congratulations, you have touched upon the heart of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy operates on communication, basically. Freud, the most influential psychotherapist ever since Psychology's birth, started his career and even cured himself through introspection. What's that? Oh, that's just a fancy name for thinking and thinking and following your thoughts and ideas, writing them down, analyzing them, and thinking some more.

Introspection is the basis of mental health. With introspection, you can explore who you are. You learn how to note which parts of you have to change. You learn how to keep yourself in check when you're going over the top. You actually get to know yourself more when you introspect.

Then, another foundation of psychotherapy and its applications to promoting mental health and overall well-being is having healthy relationships. If you notice, highly isolated people are rarely functional. People who burn bridges often also have a poor inner climate.

Here is a short list of the importance of having healthy relationships:

  • Having healthy relationships promotes physical health.
  • Relationships create a social network that is essential when tough times come. Studies show that people who have a healthy and highly supportive social network tend to bounce back more quickly and completely from duress in their lives.
  • Don't you feel good having so many friends?

Permit me to say this again: psychotherapy works on communication. With yourself, and with others. It works on creating, maintaining, and nurturing ties. Whatever therapeutic style you choose, if it works for you, it's great. Just remember that without healthy dialogues with yourself, and healthy communication with others, whatever therapeutic style you may want to use, with or without a therapist to help you, will fail.

For therapy to work, you have to be open to criticism. You have to be open to new ideas. You have to stop denying you have a problem and admit that yes, you do have a problem and you need help. Be it with a therapist, or through self-help, you need to work on your issues. Do not push them to the back of your mind in hopes of them going away. Help yourself. Deal with them.

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