self-improvement, self-help, personal development, personal growth

Overcome Fear - Freeing Yourself From the Clutches of Fear By Michael Lee

It is vital to overcome fear if you wish to attain any type of success in life. It is not an easy task to get over your fears and subdue the constantly gnawing seed of anxiety in your mind. To overcome fear, you have to understand where it is coming from and why you are hanging on to it. Most importantly, you need to learn how to work to eliminate fear from your life and allow yourself to experience new and different things.

The dictionary defines fear as "loss of courage" and as "a strong emotion felt in anticipation of danger". It is fear that made our parents constantly remind us to be careful when playing, to look both ways before crossing the street, and not to talk to strangers when we were children.

It's a perfectly sensible emotion, because fear of losing a loved one is normal and understandable. Some fears are also reasonable, such as fear of dangerous animals and places.

But what if your fear paralyzes you and prevents you from accomplishing the things you want in life? That is the kind of fear you must overcome if you're seeking to improve your situation.

First of all, you have to take the time to sit down and make a list of all your fears in life. Ask yourself why you are afraid of them and how you have been dealing with these particular fears. Figure out what's more important to you - avoiding your fears or overcoming them in order to reach your goals. The answer should come to you easily enough and that's a major step in helping you overcome fear. Make a list of your biggest ambitions in life and write down the things that prevented you from accomplishing them as well.

You must also learn to stop listening to your inner critic. Your inner critic is your voice of doubt and worry, the one that always tells you why you can't do certain things. You may have been living with it for years, but if you develop enough strength and faith in yourself and your abilities, you will be able to overcome fear by shutting out one of the major things that keep you from your dreams.

Remember to let go of your preconceived notions. Ideas you have formed about how impossible some things are and how imminent failure can be can make you afraid of what will happen if you pursue your passions. Thinking positively about the future is a good way of ensuring that you overcome your fear enough to take charge of your life.

One major way to overcome fear is to really look it straight in the face. Giving yourself an inspired push and taking baby steps towards your goal will help you see that it is possible for you to succeed and will help prove that your fears are unfounded, which should give you enough courage to forge on.

Overcoming fear is indeed a great challenge, one that is not readily taken up by many. It is extremely vital for you to realize that your fears hold you back and keep you from making the most out of life. By learning how to be strong enough to overcome fear, you are also freeing yourself from the cage it has created for you and will set you on your way towards the life you've always dreamed of living.

About the Author:
Michael Lee has dramatically changed countless lives with his powerful self-improvement advice. Get free self-help success secrets & audios now at and be the next BIG success story!

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